Calhoun's Ghost

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Location: Satellite o' Love, California, United States

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Worse than I thought

Damn Olmert.

Friday, August 11, 2006

A debate that needs to occur far and wide

My answer is, obviously, a loud and resounding NO!!!

Perfect timing

Just as I posted the previous entry, Fox reported that Syria is moving land mines along their border with Israel. This is likely so their infantry and armor don't roll over them and kill themselves before Israel has a chance to send them to hell.

A quick and dirty assessment of the ME battle in the GWOT

Haven't felt up to blogging the past few days, but I'm getting some energy back, so here's what I think is possible in the coming weeks. The prognostication is free, so take it for what it's worth.

Yoni had an excellent point the other day in that Olmert's government, with it's wavering back and forth and unwise restraint of the IDF, has emboldened the Syria/Iran axis. Syria, if faced with an unleashed Israeli military, could very well have sit this one out and let the Lezboassholes (much credit to the sexy barista) attempt a war of attrition on their behalf.

Because of Olmert's outlandish stupidity, however, that's all out the window. The arabs now have a "useful idiot" as head of their enemy's country. Utilizing his squeamishness, the Syrians probably believe they have a shot at winning the war, or at least causing a geographic stalemate with Israel taking heavy losses. That brings in Iran and their August 22nd surprise . While The IDF's push to the Latani River has just gotten underway as I type, Olmert is to random to be trusted. I can only pray that he does not continue to flip-flop.

As more and more of Israel comes under threat with the growing theater of battle, Israelis will continue to wake up to the danger that Olmert presents. Unfortunately, even if he is removed by a vote of no confidence, his temporary successor does not strike me as a warrior prepared to go to any end to defend her nation.

This requires more analysis and education, but there MUST be a way for Netenyahu, a retired Special Operator, himself, to reattain power. The current conditions and the prosperity of Israel demands it.