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Friday, July 28, 2006

Total War

Mr. Krauthammer's insightful (as usual) take on Israel's "disproportionate" response brought to the forefront of my mind some thoughts I've had for several years. Specifically, the necessity of waging total war on our enemies in order to acquire long lasting victory and peace.

Make no mistake, this is the final Crusade, and there will be a single winner who goes home with all the marbles. Either Western Civilization, led by the United States, reigns supreme, or the world devolves back to the 12th century and will be barbarously ruled as the Caliphate. Muslims who adhere to the text of their religion will only accept complete submission of all, and nothing less. The only means to remove this threat, and their capacity to wage war, is their obliteration. If any remain, if one stone still lays against another, they will still fight.

The calls for cease-fire and talks ignore what should be the highest goal of statecraft. Diplomacy should never be the be-all-end-all of foreign policy. National security, the defense of the country, ought to be the ultimate aim. Diplomacy is simply a tool. If other tools, such as war, are more effective in seeing to our security, those are the ones that should be used. If we would possess a better position from using the full capacity of our military, rather than invoking any other political apparatus, then it should be used as soon and as violently as possible.

War is hell. There is no way around that eternal truth. What we can do is accept that fact and apply it to our advantage. By eliminating the enemy as ferociously as we are capable, from equipment, to infrastructure, to capacity for rest and relaxation, to the individuals themselves, the fight becomes much more brief, since there soon becomes no more targets to attack. The quicker and more decisive the fight, the more persistent the triumph and tranquillity. Many good men would die in such an event, but far fewer than the "death by a thousand cuts" that we have endured for years and decades.


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